Watch Out for Health Scams | New Horizons

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Watch Out for Health Scams

We often hear of financial scams that happen too commonly among our older adult population, but what about health scams? The commercials and ads that are always geared towards older adults with home remedies or "harmless" side effects, are they really? Commonly advertised scams, according to National Institute on Aging, include:
  • Anti-aging therapies
  • Arthritis remedies
  • Cancer cures
  • Memory aids
  • Dietary supplements
  • Health Insurance
To avoid health scams, educate yourself. There are multiple ways to educate yourself and protect yourself from scams: keep up on research found from reliable resources, read health books, be aware of resources that assist in scam protection, ask your doctor or health care professional, and always be aware/educated on your own health.

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