Let’s Get Moving! How Seniors Can Relocate into Their… | New Horizons

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Let’s Get Moving! How Seniors Can Relocate into Their Dream Home at Any Age

Retirement is supposed to be the most joyful, relaxing time of your life. Of course, you still have to deal with everyday stressors, financial challenges, and - for many seniors - possibly even the need to move. Moving can be stressful for anyone at any age. Many seniors, however, have extra reasons to be careful during a move.

You’ll want to avoid financial scams, make sure your new home is a good fit, and take steps to avoid injuries or damages during your big move.

Whether you’re moving into a retirement home or simply downsizing into something more manageable, here’s a quick guide to relocation during your Golden Years. Here are four moving tips for seniors who are planning a big move:

1. Many seniors who are looking to purchase a new home end up facing some financing challenges. For this reason, Aging in Place recommends having a financial plan, which can enable you to purchase the home of your dreams while continuing to live a secure retirement.

2. See if a loved one, such as a family member, would be willing to come over and help you sort through your belongings to organize and declutter. It can be difficult determining which items you will keep and which one you will discard. You’ll want to honor your feelings while also being practical; remember, your new home may be smaller than your current home, and there may be items you no longer need or use.

Some beloved treasures might do better in storage, rather than your new home.

3. You’ll also want to do a final walk-through of your former home before locking up. The last thing you’ll want to do is leave anything behind! For this step, it can be helpful to have a relative, friend, or other trusted loved one assist you. This is an emotional process, especially as you might be leaving a home where you’ve spent decades, if not the majority of your life.

4. One last tip: take the time to consider where you will find assistance during a big move. You can start by reaching out to your family, friends and loved ones - perhaps even the same people who assisted you with the above steps.

Of course, not everyone has family and friends who are able to help them on moving day. If your family and friends are unable to assist you, don’t worry. You may simply want to consider hiring help for your move. If that’s the case, you’ll want to find a professional and reputable moving crew. You can do this by asking trusted friends and relatives who they might recommend.

Once you’ve found a moving crew, be sure to clearly and properly communicate with them before the move to ensure things go according to plan. You don’t want anyone to get injured or any items to be broken. Also, take steps to plan ahead so you can ensure you’ll have the proper moving supplies that you’ll need, such as moving boxes.

Just like anything else in life, your moving day might not go 100% according to plan. However, by following the tips listed above, you’ll be well prepared to handle any unexpected situations that might pop up. Best of all, you’ll feel confident in your abilities to get your belongings from your old home to your new one safely - and in one piece.

Author: Jim Vogel

Call New Horizon's In-Home Care, the best providers of eldercare Eugene and the surrounding area can find, today to talk about our relocation assistance services.

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