Safe Traveling Tips | New Horizons

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Safe Traveling Tips

As the winter season comes, the weather does too. The weather can be unpredictable, especially in Oregon. The rain, wind storms, and ice can all hinder driving abilities. Not only can driving be altered, but flying as well. Along with winter, comes Holidays and Holiday traveling. During the Holidays, traveling can take longer due to the high volumes of individuals traveling. Here are some traveling tips to help keep your traveling safe: 1.Know the weather ahead of time; if you know you will be traveling during a particular day or week, keep your eye on the weather updates so that you know what you will be looking at. 2. If your traveling with others, have the person who is most comfortable driving (must have a valid drivers license) drive. If no one is comfortable or feels confident driving in the circumstances, then consider not traveling or alternative options. 3. Know your surroundings as you drive and be a defensive driver. 4. Leave with plenty of time to travel to prepare any delay times. 5. When flying and/or driving try to avoid leaving the eve of the holiday- as it has been recorded to be the more busy times of travel. 6. Leave distance between you and the vehicle ahead of you. When traveling on an airplane or cruise:
  1. Research and plan ahead.
  2. Request and reserve special services.
  3. Prepare documentation-i.e. passport (make sure it isn't expired with months ahead of travel time).
  4. Be practical when packing- pack only what you need plus an extra outfit in your carry-on.
  5. Think about safety, security, and comfort.
  6. Arrange medication management-if you have daily medicines, be sure to pack them. Keep them in the medicine bottle if thats what your used to or any other way.
  7. Ensure those that are at the destination (if traveling to friends or family) are prepared for your arrival.
  8. Make sure you are up to date with all vaccinations and inform your doctor of your traveling plans to be sure you are able to do so with any health conditions you may or may not have.
Please be sure to further research safety tips when traveling for your area.

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