The Best Workout Routines for Older Adults of Any… | New Horizons

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The Best Workout Routines for Older Adults of Any Ability

The positive effects of seniors exercising are worth all the work. Even people who are confined to a bed or wheelchair-bound have a full range of workout options available to strengthen flexibility, resistance, and overall fitness, and they should take advantage of these whenever given the chance.

All Care, providers of in-home caregivers in Medford, OR and the surrounding communities, recommends that the first step is always to contact the physician to get a recommendation on the best workout routines for older adults that match your loved one’s activity level and medical history. Initially, seniors exercising even for as little as a couple of minutes every day, repeating several times throughout the day, can substantially improve their health and wellbeing.

The following are a couple of examples of the best workout routines for older persons:

  • Aerobic Exercises: If whole body movements aren’t feasible, exercises from a sitting position can be used to build cardio strength. When possible, good options include:
    • Swimming or water aerobics
    • Dancing
    • Walking
    • Tai Chi
    • Bowling
  • Resistance Exercises: To build and strengthen muscles, resistance exercises can be done with elastic bands, which come in an assortment of tensile strengths. The Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences reports that even just one day each week of resistance training helps older adults retain independence and lower the threat of injury.
  • Stretching Exercises: Seniors exercising by stretching helps improve flexibility and range of motion. Check for yoga classes at local senior or recreation centers.
  • Alzheimer’s Exercises: In the beginning stages of dementia in particular, a full range of exercise possibilities are available, and with additional supervision and some alterations, can be continued as the disease progresses. Since repetition is commonly a comfort to those with Alzheimer’s disease, activities like walking, riding a stationary bike, and folding laundry are advantageous to both the person’s physical and mental state.

Encouraging your older loved one to begin and then stay with an exercise program is essential to success. Try these tips to make it something interesting that he or she will look forward to:

  • Join in an exercise program with the senior. It’s always more fun to exercise with a buddy.
  • Incorporate favorite, upbeat music.
  • Designate dedicated time every day especially for physical fitness, and make it a priority.
  • Create incentives or rewards for obtaining goals.

For more tips on helping older adults increase activity levels, contact All Care. Our professional in-home caregivers in Medford and the surrounding area are trained and experienced in helping older adults thrive and improve their overall wellbeing, and we love nothing more than having the assurance that the older individuals in our care are healthy and living life to the fullest! Call us at 541-857-9195 to learn more!

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