Care Blog
Tips for Enjoying the Holiday Offerings While Managing Diabetes

The holidays are a great time to get together with family and friends, but let’s be honest: it's often also a time for overindulgence in less-than-healthy meals. With numerous rich, fatty, and sugary delicacies on hand at every turn, it’s challenging to stick to a healthy diet, which can produce serious health problems for those with diabetes.
These recommendations can help diabetics remain safe during the holiday season while avoiding feeling deprived of treasured favorites. Be sure to first talk to a physician for his or her approval on any meal decisions that stray from an approved nutrition plan.
- Pick your favorites. Review choices during a holiday meal, and select your two favorite carbs to enjoy. For example, figure out if you’d rather have stuffing or rolls, or choose between mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes, versus indulging in all of the choices.
- Bring your own. If attending a holiday get-together at someone’s home, consult with the host concerning your dietary restrictions. Offer to bring a healthy dish to share, such as a tray of veggies or a sugar-free dessert.
- Snack first. Enjoying a healthy snack in advance of the holiday meal will help keep blood sugar levels stabilized and assist with averting the temptation to go overboard. A couple of good snack choices for diabetics include nuts, vegetables with hummus, celery with peanut butter, string or cottage cheese, or an egg.
- Stay hydrated. Having a cup of water before sitting down to enjoy the meal will help give a sensation of fullness, making it unlikely that you’ll be inclined to overindulge.
- Stay active. Following a heavy meal, overcome the urge to settle into the recliner and watch television or snooze. Instead, help with cleaning up the kitchen, play an active game with the younger ones, or take a walk to enjoy the brisk fall air.
If despite these techniques you end up bingeing or making unhealthy meal selections, be kind and forgiving to yourself. Remember that tomorrow is a new day to resume healthy habits again. Closely monitor your blood sugar to confirm that levels stay within the proper range and to reduce the potential for a serious problem, such as diabetic ketoacidosis, which could trigger a hospitalization and certainly put a damper on the holiday spirit.
Call the in-home care professionals at All Care In-Home Care Solutions to learn more diabetic-friendly tips, for assistance with planning and preparing healthy meals, providing medication reminders and support to engage in exercise programs, and much more! All Care can provide your family with senior care in the Rogue Valley and surrounding areas. We’re available to help throughout the holiday season and beyond, empowering older individuals to live their best possible lives. Call us at (541) 857-9195 to request a free in-home consultation today!
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